Front-End Redesign
This was a full redesign completely changing the look, menu structure, and content of the site (the site clearly is a bit dated now, but back then it was a large improvement). Other Improvements:
- Addressed Accessibility.
- Added light CMS for managing menus, content pages, news postings.
- Integrated content from numerous apps into one app.
- Adding support for semi-fluid widths.
- Adding Google Analytics and Google Site Search.
- Generic Table of Contents of content pages.
This project required buy-in from the Vice-Chancellor of Research and every unit in the Division of Research Safety. Some of the main challenges were coming to an agreement on content/menu organization and display. More of a project management feat than a technical one.
Back-End Overhaul
Phase two of the previous project. Every single area of the department's site and processes were upgraded.
- Upgraded from .NET Webforms to MVC
- Upgraded Windows Servers and SQL Servers, added dev and test servers/sites.
- Completely re-did the database structure from scratch.
- Homogenized resources, data, and applications, allowing for 5 legacy apps to be retired upon release. All functionality of these systems were rolled into the new site.
- Implemented coding standards for front and back-end languages using: ninject, bootstrap, entity framework, NTier design, knockout.
- Created several automated scheduled tasks to notify end-users when actions were required.
- Implemented a weekly email notification/dashboard page to inform end-users of upcoming and expired compliance requirements.
- Implemented a research profile management system that allows PIs (faculty performing research) the ability to manage their personnel, hazard, spaces, training, and be audited by DRS staff.
- Upgraded login process to use Shibboleth.
Phase 3 of the previous project. Implemented all levels of reporting for PIs, staff, department, and college managers. Reporting is a major part of most any organization because it allows success metrics to be tracked. In this case, compliance across various areas. Since launch, more than 30 types of reports have been created and are utilized by users all across campus.
Redesign Redux
Once again, to keep with todays standards of design, security, and functionality; the department's site must be upgraded. Many of the same elements from the previous overhauls are in play here, just newer, and better.
- Upgraded to use .NET CORE Framework, entire app is all new code.
- Implement 2FA authentication.
- Upgrade to a new standard of programming with flat model service oriented architecture.
- Implement generic functionality for emails and change tracking.
- Full UI overhaul.
- Integrated the few remaining legacy applications.
Legacy Upgrades
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources used an intranet application for managing their fisheries stocking, and a flat file windows app for their fish assessment tracking. Both resources were upgraded and combined into a singular web application, new features were added and better data management was achieved.
Coding Architecture
Used across many of my projects over the years, having undergone 3 iterations since I began designing this. A standard of coding to establish an architecture that increases code re-use, code organization, reduces ambiguity, increases separation of concerns. Largely based on the concepts of Service Oriented Architecture and N-Tier coding layouts, with tweaks to fit my needs.
Code Generation
Standardizing approaches to problems in coding can be useful, because then that standard can be automatically generated. I have written several code generation tools, as visual studio add-ons, visual studio item templates, or console applications. The most recent code generation tool I created uses Roslyn to step over code files inside of a Visual Studio project.
Project Documentation
I have written many different types of project documentation including gantt charts, work breakdown strutures, cost/benefit analysis, project proposals, spec sheets, code and API documentation, and how-tos.
Community Outreach
One of the initiatives I created was a place for programmers to share problems and ideas across units on campus. The University of Illinois is largely de-centralized. As a result, many programmers and other IT workers are duplicating efforts with no idea if someone else has already done it, maybe even better. There were working groups for Windows Server, Wordpress, and other areas; but nothing for programmers. Thus programmers@illinois was created. As a result, several plugins/wrappers have been created and are used by multiple units on campus.